Owning Vacant Properties: What does it really cost?
Do you own vacant real estate? Maybe it’s a house, a building, acreage, or a lot? When I travel around working on the properties we are selling, I often see valuable assets sitting vacant. They are not earning the owner any money. Many lack maintenance and are really losing value over time. We can turn […]
The One Call Option: Auctions and Accelerated Sales
While we most often sell property using auctions, we do occasionally sell select properties through conventional-style listings. These listings are conducted as accelerated sales. Recently we were asked to assist with an estate settlement that included a home and personal property. Two brothers were working together, and one had reservations about the auction. He desired […]
No Will, No Plan? What Could Go Wrong?
In our last post, we asked the question, “Do you have an exit plan?” Meaning a plan for when you pass from this world. One of the most important things you can do as part of your estate planning is to have a will. A will is a plan for how you wish your assets […]
Do you have an Exit Plan?
Do you have an exit plan? I hear real estate investors use these words. When purchasing a property they are thinking about an exit or how to make a profit. It is best to plan this strategy prior to purchasing. If you start to plan after the purchase, you may find yourself in a fix. […]
New website. More news and updates!
For 2021, we have transitioned to a new, updated version of terryhowe.com. While working on this change, we noticed our blog/news section was seriously lacking attention. That’s pretty unfortunate, because there is a lot of information we can share that will help you. Starting this month, we will be sharing stories about past auction situations: […]