Item | Description |
391 | 8-Drawer File Cabinet |
392 | 4-Drawer File Cabinet |
393 | Audio/Visual Cart |
394 | Audio/Visual Cart (Battery & Lights Not Included) |
395 | (4) Stacking Chairs |
396 | (2) Bookshelves |
397 | Wood Cabinet & Metal Cabinet on Casters |
398 | (2) Framed Prints & Corkboard |
399 | Desk (Contents Not Included), Credenza w/ Drawers & Shelves, Office Chair & Computer Stand |
400 | Selection of Miscellaneous Office Supplies & Clipboards |
401 | Bell, Globe Book Ends, Replica Fuel Tanks, Etc. |
402 | Model Truck, 2 Hess Trucks, Knives, Watch, Coin Banks, Etc. (See Photos) |
403 | (2) Side Chairs on Casters, L-Shaped Desk |
404 | Dukane Wall Clock |
405 | Antique Crank Phone (No Key) |
406 | Touchtone Pay Phone (No Key) |
407 | Automatic Electric Company Pay Phone (Missing Coin Box) |
408 | Wood Desk, L-Shaped Desk, (2) 2-Drawer File Cabinets, Bookshelf |
409 | First Aid Kits, Rulers, White Board Stand, 2 Radios, Etc. (See Photos) |
410 | Selection of Tools & Hardware (See Photos) |
411 | 6′ Folding Table (Contents Not Included) |
412 | Tazmanian Devil Floor Mat |
413 | Dayton Vacuum |
414 | Crank Phone (Missing Microphone & Crank Handle) |
415 | Crank Phone |
416 | Field Phone |
417 | Gray Telephone Rotary Dial Pay Phone |
418 | Switchboard |
419 | Rotary Dial Pay Phone |
420 | (2) Desk Phones (1 is Missing Microphone) |
421 | Rotary Desk Phone, Punch Button Wall Phone (No Dial) |
422 | Rotary Desk Phone, Crank Phone Parts |
423 | Antenna Parts, Conduit |
424 | Desk & 4 White Boards |
425 | Advertising Balloon (New in Package) |
426 | (2) Coat Racks |
427 | 1990 & 1991/1992 Framed Duck Prints |
428 | (5) 4-Drawer File Cabinets |
429 | (2) Metal Framed Shelves, 84″H 48″W 24″D |
430 | 4-Drawer Legal Size File Cabinet, 5-Drawer File Cabinet |
431 | Selection of Speakers |
432 | Metal Framed Shelf, 84″H 48″W 24″D |
433 | (2) Wood 2×4 Framed Shelves, 10’H 10’W 2’D, 10’H 12’W 2’D (Buyer to Dismantle) |
434 | Wood 2×4 Framed Shelves, 10’H 16’W 4’D (Buyer to Dismantle) |
435 | Wire Rack Shelf, 39″H 36″W 16″D |
436 | 6′ Werner Fiberglass Ladder |
437 | 6′ Folding Table |
438 | Can Coke Machine 35″ H 29″W 11″D (Not perfect, but in good shape), Coke Wood Crate |
439 | Refrigerator, Cabinet, Stove/Fridge/Sink Combo, Microwave |
440 | 4-Drawer File Cabinet, 2 Desks, Cabinets, Lamps (See Photos) |
441 | (2) 4-Drawer File Cabinets, Desk, Shelf, Fan, Fire Extinguisher |
442 | (2) Portable Office Dividers |
443 | (4) Matching Wood Chairs |
444 | (3) Misc Office Chairs |
445 | (2) Office Desks, Chair, Jumper Cables, Safety Belt, Meters, Etc. (See Photos) |
446 | Wood Shelving, 10′ H 20′ W 2’D (Buyer to Dismantle) |
447 | Wall Clock |
448 | Duck Lamp, (2) Framed Duck Prints |
449 | Vanity with Sink (Upstairs) |
450 | Contents of Room (Take what you want, leave the rest – see photos – upstairs) |
451 | (3) Shelves, Legal File Cabinet (Upstairs) |
452 | Coke Cooler (Upstairs) |
453 | Table, White Board on Stand, Shelf, Clock, 2 Prints (Upstairs) |
454 | Table/Desk (Upstairs) |
455 | (2) Sentry Safes, No Keys (Upstairs) |
456 | Stereo w/Speakers (Upstairs) |
457 | Coke Bottle Dispenser 50 Cent, 53″H 25″W 21″D, Model HAS6 A-B, Serial 404018656, No Key (Located in another building, arrange for pickup) |
458 | Coke Bottle Dispenser 40 Cent, 62″H 25″W 22″D, Serial 518743, Has key & is open (Located in another building, arrange for pickup) |